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Isotope Cosmochemistry and Geochronology Laboratory

Soumya Ray featured on Women Doing Science

Ph. D. Candidate Soumya Ray was recently featured on the Women Doing Science Instagram and Twitter feeds.  The posts include a brief description of Ray's research in the Center for Meteorite Studies and School of Earth and Space Exploration, in addition to photos of her work in both the meteorite collection and laboratory. Women Doing Science regularly features women doing lab and fieldwork, and telling their research stories.

Soumya RaySoumya's current research involves measuring the Fe isotope fractionation in achondrite meteorites, as well as analyzing their Si isotope composition. Her Fe isotope work on aubrites, in particular, has provided new insight into the formation of metal nodules in these unique meteorites, and will be presented at the 82nd Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society in Sapporo, Japan.

Soumya was awarded a Summer Exploration Graduate Fellowship in 2018, as well as the highly competitive and prestigious NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship, and presented new research findings this spring at the 50th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, held in Houston, Texas.

She recently authored the article "Women Astronauts? How Ridiculous!" for the ASU Interplanetary Initiative Community in a Box Project.

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